Keto Recipe Digest # 27

Happy Tuesday everyone...

Yes, this is a Keto Digest you're reading. No, it's actually not Friday today (for those who may have started losing track beyond yesterday, today and tomorrow). But I figured with two rather important holidays coming up this weekend (Passover and Easter) and the shopping situation being what it is, I figured Friday comes early this week...what the heck, you only live through a crazy virus pandemic once, right? (I'm crossing my fingers whilst typing that stays a true statement).

At any rate... it's definitely weird this year. For those who don't know, my family isn't the most ardent of followers when it comes to all things Jewish, we really do love our side of bacon and sausage when those Saturday morning fried eggs show up on a plate. But Passover is one of those Jewish holiday moments we make time and effort for.... because for us it's about the food and the family (and really, shouldn't everything in life be about food and family? -which for us also means all those peeps we've decided to adopt as family).

This is the first Passover that we don't have my dad to celebrate with us, which is hard... but with COVID going on.... not only won't we have my dad at the table, but we won't even all be at the same table, but we've decided to go ahead with a virtual Passover via Zoom because now is the time it's especially important to hold to those social bonding moments that keep us together (and a feeling a little saner...and loved)

Right...on to the food ...this week's digest is split between recipes for Passover and Recipes for Easter... but let's face it, now is not the time to quibble about which holiday we're celebrating and many of the dishes offered for Passover can be just as happy on the easter table and vis versa (except if you're really dead set against bacon at the passive Seder table, then I would suggest you pass over on that recipe... see what I did there? )

Passover - a serious problem for the ketoer because it's all about those darned carbs.

1. nut flour matzo - true, to be strictly adhering to the laws of Judaism, it needs to have wheat, oat, rye or some other flour in there... you could throw in a tbsp of virtual wheat gluten or oat fibre to the recipe and call that law satisfied.

2. matzo balls - you either fall into one of two matzo ball camps "light and fluffy" or "dense and chewy", these fall somewhere in between... let's call them the Switzerland of matzo balls and they are keto-friendly.

3. charoset - this is traditionally a dish made out of apples, honey, raisins, cinnamon, walnuts and very sweet wine. it's part of the ritual of this meal and is meant to represent the bricks for the pyramids (I'm sure the ten commandments still gets aired on Easter Sunday on regular tv right?... those bricks). Whatever the origin story, it's amazingly yummy and I could eat a whole bowl full to myself... but sadly everything but the cinnamon and walnuts in that dish are off the keto menu. This version uses chayote (or zucchini, or long squash, or eggplant) as the substitute for the apples (which are the key ingredient). Try it, it would be awesome as a pie filling or crumble base or served in a bowl with ice cream or whipped cream or ...just a spoon.

4. gefilte fish - while the name is absolutely not appealing, these are essentially minced fish quenelles which are boiled or steamed (and doesn't quenelle sound so much nicer?)... I like mixing this up with a bit of smoked fish in the mix, which takes it to a whole other level

Easter ... which if I understand correctly is really also an excuse to have the family over for a wonderful feast, except this holiday comes with a side of brunch... and everyone knows, the jews like their brunch, so I'm down with this holiday.

5. Eggs benedict quiche - this is the recipe with the bacon I told you about earlier. It's awesome, don't eat it if you don't like bacon.

6. keto press-in pie crust - you're going to need this one if you plan on making that quiche, or that charoset "apple" pie

7. coffee cake muffins - coffee cake is another quintessential brunch food item. this recipe puts it into muffin form (you already know my stance on muffins and cupcakes)

8. rack of lamb - now the beautiful thing about this dish...aside from the fact that it's a rack of lamb, is it works for either holiday meal and comes with a side of roasted cherry tomatoes

9. creamed spinach - I love a good creamed spinach recipe... and this one goes well with lamb.

10. buttercream easter eggs - Easter is also all about chocolate, and candy eggs and this recipe puts those back in the game.

Okay... now I'm done, Happy Friday on Tuesday and hope you all have wonderful holidays with your families, however you are able to spend and share it with them.

Stay safe and healthy.



Keto Recipe Digest # 12 … now #28


Keto Recipe Digest # 26