Keto Recipe Digest # 24

Happy Friday Everyone...

These are strange times indeed and I hope all of you are keeping safe and are stocked up on all the toilet paper you need at the moment.

Here in Bruce County, they have closed restaurants for everything but take-out and delivery (of course most of our small mom and pop restaurants aren't set up to accommodate that kind of commerce so many have just shut all together)... Rob and I have agreed for those that are staying open we'll try to order from them at least once or twice a week to try and help them stay afloat during this time.... but even so, having a good arsenal of recipes for home cooking sounds like a good idea at this time... so, this week's theme is all about getting through the quarantine.

A) Bars are closed but goodness knows a good drink would go down about now... I offer you two:

1. keto gin cocktail - this one is for the Uk contingent who were told this week to stay home until May 31st. Good thing they got their deck finished last it's a lovely spot to just sit and watch the birds pass by (seeing as how the airplanes have stopped).... and sip a gin cocktail.

2. strawberry basil bourbon smash - maybe gin isn't your thing... maybe bourbon is, in which case this is the cocktail for you (you could also substitute with whiskey if that's what's in your liquor cabinet right now)

B) You're stuck on the couch watching everything in the Netflix catalogue and you just need something to munch on, these should help:

3. slow cooker cheesy garlic flatbread - you could dress this up a pizza base, or dip it in marinara, or just eat it a it is because it's cheesy and garlicky and those are all good things

4. keto air fryer zucchini fries - yes, this is an air fryer recipe, but you can also make these in the oven and who doesn't like a fry every now and then. these ones are guilt-free and would work well with a nice marinara or ranch dip on the dip.

5. cocoa-cinnamon dusted almonds - maybe you are more of a sweets snacker? these might fit the bill in that case.

C) You're missing the bakery, you like a nice cookie with your morning cup, you need to find something to do other than staring at your computer in your pyjamas, you're a stress baker (like me) ...either way, there's nothing a fresh batch of cookies can't cure (except for a virus)

6. salted caramel chocolate chip cookies - Maddie and I actually made a batch of these last night. She was feeling a little down after her fourth day sitting at home with nothing to do and I can attest her mood was significantly perked up after whipping these up. They are chewy like a chips ahoy type cookie, but with caramel and salt and got good reviews from guys at the office.

7. Keto "oatmeal" cookies - there is absolutely no oatmeal in this recipe, that quintessential oatmeal texture is coming from hemp hearts in this recipe, but it's all the flavours of your old school favourite.

D) You want to celebrate spring anyway with a nice meal at home that's a little special.

8. spanikopita stuffed chicken - I love spanikopita, but phyllo pastry is a no-no for this way of eating. this recipe give you all those flavours and your protein. win-win.

9. instant pot carrot cake - yes, it's another special appliance recipe and I usually shy away from these because not everyone has one, but if you do. try this recipe... and if you don't, just try baking it in a regular oven at 350'F until a toothpick comes out cleanly... the texture will be a little different, but not by much and the taste will all be there and let's face it, spring just screams carrot cake.

Keep your head up and your hands washed and until next week, happy cooking.



Keto Recipe Digest # 25


Keto Recipe Digest # 23