Keto Recipe Digest # 22

Happy Friday Everyone and welcome to recipe digest # 22.

This afternoon and evening are going to be busy so I figured I would get this out to you all over my lunch break.

This week's digest is a mixed bag of recipes... and it starts with sauces. When you're working a keto lifestyle storebought sauces are generally off the menu. which sucks, because how can you make BBQ ribs without a good BBQ sauce? how can you slather a burger with ketchup if all you have is the standard Heinz offerings? can't. So first up recipes being offered in the digest this week, is a collection of usually high in sugar sauces made over keto.

1. Sugar-free tomato sauce - This is really a keto ketchup recipe and very useful if you are trying to whip up a version of 1000 island dressing or dress up a burger.

2. smokey keto BBQ sauce - Good on everything you would use a regular BBQ sauce on.

3. Keto Marina Pizza Sauce - Whether you are throwing this on a keto-friendly pizza base or a batch of low carb noodles, a good marina is always a handy staple in the fridge.

Next up in the digest lineup are a few of the recipes from the keto cooking class last week....

4. Mediterranean cottage pie - This one was so good, Rob even asked me to make it again..which I did this week.

5. Raw Kale Salad - This is a fully vegetarian recipe and it's awesome in the lunchbox. But if you aren't a fan of cilantro, you're probably not going to like this one, sorry.

6. Jaffa Chocolate Mousse - Think of one of those terry's chocolate oranges you get at Christmas time....but in mousse form. Who doesn't love a good mousse and this one is stupid easy to make too.

And last but not least two random recipes which make me happy...

7. Almond Chicken Salad - The flavours of almonds and chicken go really well together and the nuts add a nice crunch to the salad. perfect for lunch on a low carb slice of bread or on top of some shredded lettuce, or even in a lettuce cup.

8. Low Carb Banana Bread - It's a fact, I have always liked a good banana bread. Being keto, bananas are way too high in carbs to be a food you would consider eating, so I know this recipe is going to be controversial because it does, in fact, have some real banana in it. But again, it's all about the "if it fits your macros" philosophy and even with the real banana in this recipe, each slice works out to about 4 net carbs, which isn't bad if you've planned it into your overall macros for the it is banana bread we're talking about here!..but you could always substitute the real banana for banana extract and bring the carb count way down :)

That's it for this week. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!



Keto Recipe Digest # 23


Keto Recipe Digest # 21