Keto Recipe Digest # 21

Happy Friday Everyone.

I hope you are tucked away somewhere safe and warm.... The weather is quite nasty in our neck of the woods and most of the highways in Bruce County are closed and we have lots of people staying home for a snow day..... I, however, am not one of them being lucky enough to have an office right in town.

This week my sister invited me to attend a keto cooking class with a local chef. This was great fun, as there were only three of us working with him that night (and I think we managed to sneak in a few more recipes because he had the time to show and share them with us). They were all delish and it appears he was playtesting them with us for inclusion in his standard offering at the catering company we were working out of..... and with that opening I bet you're thinking this week's digest is going to be chock full of all those recipes ... but you'd be wrong. I'll share those another time after I've managed to type up my scribbled notes with some sense of order.

This week's lineup has a different bent as Maddie recently let Rob and I know she was trying out being a vegetarian to see how she liked it. These two ways of eating obviously have some significant clash points, but if you're willing to let in a few more carbs in your meal, being keto and eating vegetarian can be done. So - this week is all about vegetarian keto recipes because even if you aren't trying it on for size, sometimes you just might not feel like bacon and beef.

1. Apple Cider Broccoli Salad - obviously this is not your usual bacon cheese cranberry creamy dressing type of broccoli salad. it's tart and tangy and very crunchy.

2. Moroccan veg tagine with olives and cinnamon almond - I really like the blend of Moroccan flavours. Warm cinnamon and the tang of olives somehow do good things when they come together.

3. Japanese okra salad - this one is not strictly vegetarian as it has bonito flakes in the recipe which are a fish-based product, but if you allow fish in your version of vegetarianism, then no worries...and if you don't then don't make this dish. I always feel like okra has a bad rap because if you overcook it, it gets that slimy mushy texture that nobody likes...but if it's cooked well, it's a great veg and this recipe has all sorts of umami-ness going on. umami-ness - is that even a word?... it is now.

4. falafel and tahini sauce - growing up as a Jewish kid you know I'm going to have some serious feelings about what a good falafel should be. This is pretty good for a recipe that relies on cauliflower and almonds to replace those super carby chickpeas.

5. marinated goat cheese - who doesn't love goat cheese? ...think of this as a nice app to offer with crackers or veg that will make someone happy regardless of which food beliefs they hold.

6. garlic parmesan fried eggplant -this is really an eggplant parmesan...but with parmesan ....and garlic in the coating. 'Nuff said!

7. Salted caramel bars - the name is caramel, salted caramel... salted caramel is one of the better things in life. this bar is like those raspberry Linzer bars where you put in a base and slather it in something lovely and then top that with more of the base pastry all crumbled up....but with salted caramel. I think I may have to make some of these this weekend just thinking about them now.

8. salted caramel sauce - you can't make salted caramel bars without salted caramel. this is my version of this recipe and I'm not going to lie, I could eat a whole batch of this using nothing but a spoon if I didn't think Maddie and Rob might want to have an intervention if they caught me doing that.

Have a great weekend everyone and happy cooking



Keto Recipe Digest # 22


Keto Recipe Digest # 20