Keto Recipe Digest # 19

Happy Valentine's Day Friday Everyone,

I hope everyone has had a good week. Personally, I'm feeling pretty accomplished because I managed to tackle a number of items on my personal "catch up to do list" ... like putting away clean laundry that had been sitting in the corner since the Christmas holidays, and getting back to the gym... another painting got started and I think I've mastered the art of homemade kombucha (Maddie and I have been experimenting and this week we have a lemon ginger turmeric green tea concoction on the go), so, all in all, a good week.

Now on to this week's line up -

1. Rum balls - Seeing as how it's Valentine's Day and according to Hallmark you can't have Valentine's without chocolate, I thought I would throw in a chocolate-based recipe. (Personally, I don't think I need a dedicated "card holiday" to give myself permission to have chocolate, but hey I don't write the cards). My grandfather, Papa Harry, was a serious type 1 diabetic, but that didn't stop him from sneaking a rum ball whenever he could find one... surprisingly, he found them often. This is a rum ball recipe he could have indulged in guilt-free... chocolate, alcohol, they are the perfect bonbon for valentine's day, right?

2. Banana Blueberry Muffins - valentine's day is supposed to be all about love right? Well, I love Miss Maddie and she loves muffins and bananas...this recipe is for her.

3. Valentine's day dinner - And of course there's Valentine's day meal. If we were staying home tonight, this is what I would be cooking for Rob, but we're not... a simple but super yummy chicken main with two veg sides.

a) Everything bagel baked chicken - easy and yummy with a cream sauce. who doesn't love that in a chicken recipe?

b) Spaghetti squash with garlic and sage browned butter - there is a little restaurant in Toronto's east village that does this amazing sage and browned butter pumpkin crespelle using their own homemade pasta. It was always one of my favourites when I went there and this recipe hits all the flavour touch points of that recipe (without the pasta). I made this at the end of last week for Maddie and me, and I had to fight her for the last serving…. it was that good.

c) Garlic green beans - Green beans are one of the few vegetables that Rob will not complain about when he sees them on a plate in front of him... It's just one of my ways of showing him I love him when I don't make him eat broccoli instead :)

4. Valentine's Weekend Breakfast - Or even just family Day weekend Breakfast, either way, it means something a little more snazzy than just the "get-up and go" weekday smoothie that you can sit down to and relax over.... I'm giving you two options:

a) Zucchini, asparagus and leek frittata - I love a good frittata recipe, this one uses a whole 12 egg carton, so if there are only two of you eating consider halving the recipe or be ready to have some leftovers.

b) Peanut butter pancakes - I know I've mentioned that Maddie and I are big fans of everything peanut butter, so it only makes sense that peanut butter pancakes should be a thing. Maddie would definitely eat these with some sliced banana, but if you're going to stay keto about it consider some whipping cream and sugar-free chocolate sauce, or sugar-free salted caramel sauce, or sugar-free strawberry jam as good alternatives.

Have a wonderful weekend and happy cooking!



Keto Recipe Digest # 20


Keto Recipe Digest # 18