Keto Recipe Digest # 17

Original Email Sent Friday Jan. 31st, 2020 -

Happy Friday Everyone,

Today's offerings are a mixed bag of tricks containing two mains I made this week, two vegetarian mains and one seriously chocolatey cake recipe.

So running through the line up we have:

1. Mushroom Chicken Alfredo Noodles - Everyone is familiar with zucchini noodle recipes and probably has one or two they really like...this one is all about the mushroom chicken alfredo sauce. Let me put it to you this way, this recipe makes four servings, Rob ate half of it all himself and said I could make it as often as I wanted to... that's a serious vote of confidence for this dish.

2. Spicy sweet and sour chicken balls - this comes together really quickly and I can see using this sauce on a whole bunch of other things too... you could substitute the chicken for tofu, making this another vegetarian option, but considering I would neer convince Rob to eat it that way, I don't.

3. Thai Vegetable Cashew Curry - I love a good Thai Curry. This is a totally vegetarian version which includes coconut, but you could omit the shredded coconut and replace the coconut cream for a dairy-based cream and I'm sure it would work too... Not to mention you can also add cubed cooked chicken to add in some additional protein.

4. Spaghetti Squash with Pine Nuts and Basil - This is another totally vegetarian dish, but again, if you wanted to add protein to it I suggest some cooked crumbled Italian sausage.

5. Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Frosting - Sometimes you just need chocolate, and I don't mean that Halloween kind of chocolate, I mean that seriously deep dark chocolate. That's this cake and this frosting. You could put a bit of a twist on this by adding a tbsp or two of instant espresso powder to the batter, and it would just be another kind of chocolate awesomeness. If you don't want to eat a whole cake (not that I'm suggesting you would).. you could freeze part of it and pull out a slice or two for those days where chocolate is the only thing that will make the world a little more right again...because that happens. (Just for the record, I currently do not have any chocolate cake in my freezer).

Have a great weekend



Keto Recipe Digest # 18


Keto Recipe Digest # 16