Keto Recipe Digest # 15

Original Email Sent Friday Jan. 17th, 2020 -

Yup.. #15, because I forgot to change the digest number on last week's email. Now that we got that out of the way...Happy Friday Everyone

This week's focus is on easy and flavourful dishes that don't need a lot of other dishes to build a meal off of...and a bread recipe too.

So the line up this week is

1. Western egg wrap - this is basically an omelet by any other name... but it's rolled up wrap style which makes it portable, yummy and works as a breakfast, lunch or dinner. The version I've given you is a western wrap with ham, onions and pepper... but you can totally modify this to any type of filling (this mushroom florentine or greek olive... the choice is yours, the method will be the same.

2. Coconut chicken thighs - so I know I've got one digest recipient who just read that title and is thinking "what? are you trying to kill me?" because she has a coconut allergy... well, I would say, replace the coconut milk with yogurt in this sheet pan dinner, because it's a substitute that will work and you still have a lovely one-dish meal that has lots of flavour.

3.Spicy mushroom noodle soup - this is an Asian inspired noodle soup and you can adjust how spicy you want to make it by adjusting how much chilli you add to it.

4. Chicken salad - Let's assume it's been one of those days and all you can manage to muster up is the effort to buy one of those store-made rotisserie chickens for dinner... this is a nice way to round that chicken out into a reasonable protein-based salad for dinner (or lunch)

5. Keto chocolate mug cake - think of a molten chocolate lava cake that you can dip a spoon into to quell a chocolate craving that's ready in less than 10 minutes (assuming you really drag the process out of putting the ingredients into the mug and hitting the start button on the microwave)

6. Soul Bread - There are a lot of variations of this style of keto bread floating around the "interwebs". The reason I like this one is that aside from it being an extremely low carb recipe which doesn't rely on coconut flour to achieve it's texture. it's a nice light tasting bread with a good crumb, which means it cuts well and is perfect for sandwiches (or toasting). Because it also doesn't rely on a billion eggs to keep it low carb and get a reasonable rise out of it, it is not eggy tasting either. It's definitely a good go-to bread recipe for me and I use it quite often.

So that's the line up for this week.... if you have any suggestions for recipes you'd like to see, let me know and I'd be happy to work it into an upcoming digest.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.



Keto Recipe Digest # 16


Keto Recipe Digest # 13 … again