Keto Recipe Digest # 13 … again

Original Email Sent Friday Jan. 10th, 2020 -

Hi Everyone and Happy Friday,

This week's digest is a bit of a mixed bag of things. Rob and Maddie have been cooking our dinners this week and they've been keeping me back on the Keto track. And so, while I have enjoyed some lovely baked salmon and buttered cabbage as well as an impromptu chicken curry, I am offering you recipes for none of these, sorry.

But what I do have for you are recipes for the following:

Versatile Keto crackers - I made a double batch of these while the family was away on vacation over the holidays, and so this is a "by request" recipe.

Versatile Keto Dip/Dressing - This is another recipe I kind of threw together while we were away. it's pretty moreish and you can use it plain, or doctor it up into a ranch or blue cheese version. It too is here "by request"

Maple Pecan Muffins - Maddie loves these. Enough said.

These last three have pretty much been what's been on the menu for my breakfast/lunch this week. They are quick, easy, portable and ensure I still have enough room in my macros for the day to have a glass of wine with those dinners the fam has been setting up for me.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend

Footnote: While I didn’t actually talk about these recipes in my email, this digest entry also included the following:


Keto Recipe Digest # 15


Keto Recipe Digest # 13