The Story of the Keto Recipe Digest

I’ve been playing with keto and low carb cooking for a while now. I started on the keto journey after doing some research on the effects of this way of eating on things like diabetes, Alzheimer’s and cancer … all of which are issues somewhere in the branches of my family tree. Yes, I didn’t mind the idea of losing a few pounds, but really the goal was improving my overall health. Keto certainly does that for me. When I am really diligent about eating this way I find my aches and pains aren’t as achy or painful, my mental clarity and focus is better, I don’t feel as bloated…and on and on with good reasons to eat this way. Now let’s be clear, I am not fanatical about maintaining this lifestyle all the time… I have been known to “fall off the wagon” for months (years?) at a time. So you’re not going to hear me advocate for why someone should eat this way or anything like that.

But I love to bake and cook and many of my favourite foods are keto “no-no’s”, so over the years I have scoured Pinterest and keto blogger websites and amassed quit a collection of keto cookbooks and played a lot in my kitchen trying to perfect some of my original recipes to keto versions. The results of most of these experiments were documented on my Instagram or Facebook feeds. That garnered a lot of comments and discussion amongst friends in these social networks, many of whom asked for the recipe I posted a picture of, or sent me instant messenger questions about keto cooking … Based on all this feedback, I asked people in these social networks if they would be interested in receiving a periodic email sent to them with some of my favourite recipes… some created by me, some created by others and tweaked by me, and others just copied directly from my favourite sources because they were just that good. And thus, the keto recipe digest was born!

Each of the Blog entries I will include here for the Keto digest will include the original email and the recipe attachments.


Keto Recipe Digest - Recipe Index


Keto Recipe Digest # 29